Recent Posts

Learning to Script

I’m pretty sure I first got interested in linux around the same time Edward Snowden fled the US. I was 13 years old and captivated by how much one could dete...

Why Put Anything Online?

I haven’t written to this blog in long while. There’s a few reasons for this. I made this at the tail end of two semesters of pretty much just math and CS co...

Quick Post: Some Good News

Hi! This here is what I’m going to start calling “quick posts”: just sharing some things I’ve found interesting lately with a minimal amount of commentary. E...

Covid Post, II

It’s been nine days since I tested positive for COVID-19, and since I’ve been completely asymptomatic, that means tomorrow I’m allowed back on campus. The un...

COVID Posts, I

Seemingly on cue, as soon as I started writing weekly posts I ended up in the final sprint of my summer research project. That took away most of the time for...

What I’m Reading this Week, Vol. 2

(Similarly Quick) Forward I set out to write a post like this every Friday, so of course the second week in I had a massive influx of work topped by about 6 ...

What I’m Reading this Week, Vol. 1

Quick Forward As part of a personal challenge to write and reflect more often, I’ve decided to start sharing some of the more interesting articles and what-n...