Time Management Strategies - The Eisenhower Square

16 Jun 2020

The below is an email I sent to my fraternity chapter last semester, during the period where we fould ourselves stuck at home. I am the Director of Member Development, in charge of programming related to ‘development’, in all the forms that that takes, and a member of the executive board with the goal of forming a cohesive, growth-oriented experience across the 4 years any of our members are undergraduates. When the pandemic interrupted our plans for the semester, many of us in leadership roles adapted as best we could. I felt this was an interesting write-up on one of my favorite time management strategies. I include most of the email body below. Enjoy!

The Eisenhower Square

This is a strategy I use whenever I feel like I’ve got a lot on my plate and it’s going to be hard to prioritise and get it all done. 4 quick steps:

  • Write down everything you need to get done that you’re aware of
    • Homework, chores, things due in a month, test prep, etc.
  • Next to each item, indicate with a “U” if it’s Urgent
    • This depends on the size of the time. For example, a one page reflection is probably only urgent when it’s due in 24 hours, but studying for a midterm is probably urgent 5 days out.
  • Next to each item, indicate with an “I” if it’s Important
    • Is this meaningful to you? Does it help you achieve your goals or reflect your values? Are there others counting on you to do this?
    • For example, MCAT review is definitely important, but daily reflections for class may not be to you
  • Next to each item, indicate with “RN” if it can be done Right Now
    • Would it take you five minutes or less?
    • For example, sending an email, writing up finished homework, washing your face, etc.

Once you’ve done that, fill out the square: eisenhower

  1. Right Now (RN)
    • Do this stuff right now! The quick win of acomplishing something will prep you to succeed all day long
  2. Important and Urgent (IU)
    • This stuff should be your Top Priority
  3. Not Important, but Urgent (nIU)
    • Once the stuff above is done, evaluate these items. Can they be delegated or postponed?
    • If not, get them done now, too. If you get daily, small assignments for example, they’ll probably land here.
  4. Important, but not Urgent (InU)
    • If you have extra time today, you might get to this stuff. But if not, don’t sweat it!
    • What’s most valuable is to set a schedule for when you will get these things done. Keep in mind due dates and size of the task.
  5. Not Important and Not Urgent (nInU)
    • Re-evaluate why this stuff made it on your list at all. Is there any value here?
    • Identify what value exists, and determine if this is something to scrap, something to schedule, or something to reconsider in some other way.

Here’s my list for today. Next to each item, I indicate with I/nI, U/nU, or RN for right now.

  • Finish 422 Homework - I,U
  • Write up 422 - I,U
  • Home Reading for 422 - I,nU
  • read 319 Paper - I,nU
  • flesh out simulations 319 - nI,nU
  • practice email BAFI - Right Now
  • readings BAFI - I,U
  • send an email to the chapter - Right Now
  • wash towels - Right Now
  • clean bathroom - I,nU
  • watch discrete lecture - I,nU
  • watch MUTH lecture - nU,nI
  • Do my taxes - I,nU
  • clean desk - Right Now
